Why Is Romex Wire so Expensive

Romex wire, also known as non-metallic (NM) cable, is a brand of electrical cable that is typically used in residential and commercial construction. This type of wire is usually made up of two or more insulated wires bundled together, along with a bare copper grounding wire. All of these wires are then encased in a

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Recycling Non-Ferrous Metals in Texas

Back in elementary school, we all learned that magnets stick to some metals, right?  If you recall those science lessons, you know how metal really comes in two varieties —ferrous and non-ferrous. If your magnet sticks, the metal is ferrous, meaning it contains iron. If the magnet doesn’t stick to the metal, then bingo. It’s

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Why Do Scrap Prices Fluctuate

Scrap metal prices vary daily based on current market trends. This can make it challenging for metal scrappers to time their market entry point. Pricing for metal scrap is affected by a multitude of variables, but you obviously want to get the biggest return for your materials. That said, calculating what causes the prices to

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In the city of Austin, metal recycling is a fundamental part of maintaining a thriving ecosystem. As Austin continues to grow and flourish, there is a high demand for different types of metal to meet infrastructural supply needs. One of metal’s best features is its ability to be reused and recycled over and over again

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The Five Best Things to Recycle for Money

You have scrap metal. You need money. We have a solution. If you’re a contractor, manufacturer, creator, fabricator, or work in any industry that generates scrap metal, you might be overlooking a potential revenue generator for your business. Ready to turn that pile of junk into something more useful? Learn more about how Gardner Metal

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What is environmental stewardship

We at Gardner Metal Recycling take our commitment to environmental stewardship seriously. Recycling scrap metals is one of many things people and businesses can do to ensure that we are using the Earth’s resources efficiently and responsibly. Not only is environmental stewardship great for the environment, but it’s also great for a company’s bottom line

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Recycling Drop Off in Austin

The recycling and repurposing of metal to make new products isn’t a recent concept. Metalworkers were repurposing bronze, iron and steel a few thousand years ago. Even then, people knew the importance of sustainability. Here at Gardner Metal Recycling, we’re proud to be a part of that millennia-old tradition. We are a family-run metal recycling

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Understanding Iron Recycling

Can Iron Be Recycled?

Iron is a base, ferrous metal that has been used by humanity since about 1200 BCE. It is part of our history and our present. It has no metals added to it, though it is used in many alloys. Iron is used in construction and in making items around the home, including cast iron pans,

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Scrap Metal Processing Guide

Recycling is an important part of protecting our planet and making sure we use our resources efficiently. We work to divert glass, paper and other items from landfills, but far too many items still end up disposed of instead of recycled. Scrap metal, for example, is one of those items not all businesses or individuals

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Galvanizing steel involves dipping the metal in a protective zinc coat to prevent corrosive substances from reaching the underlying steel. This process is done to strengthen the metal against the elements and ultimately defend against rust. Galvanized steel is valued for its ductility, which can make it easier to work with compared to stainless steel.

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